I sat and laughed out loud while reading this. Plus all the comments are great. My coworker Kristen told me about a few names she's run across... Shithead (pronounced Sha-theed)...Mary Christmas Tries and Douglas Fir Tries...Hismajesty and Hermajesty (twins). Someone also once told me they knew a kid named Sigar Rhett.
Al Gore's new We campaign branding.
Sad but interesting. "This is a list of the 10 most evil and unethical experiments carried out on humans."
If I get a dog it'll be a big black one.
The history of the ampersand.
Free strips of paper!
Pantone stairs.
I want to know how to get a job at one of these companies. Inspiration would never be lacking.
Designers and Music - This is definitely true for me. I rarely go a moment at my desk without my ipod plugged in. Luckily I have an office with a door so it doesn't bother anyone and I don't have to wear earphones.
A disturbing job.
April showers
Smart marketing.
It makes me extremely sad to know that such a "sport" exists.
A portrait of Steve Jobs made completely from Apple products.
More genius advertising.
Parodies of the Beijing 2008 Olympics logo.
Algae oil
These guys are a little dreamy. I think I'm in love with a few of them.
3 roommates draw things on dry erase boards.
What will life be like in 2008? From 1968.
Traveling coast to coast without giving any money to the Man.
It makes me extremely sad to know that such a "sport" exists.
A portrait of Steve Jobs made completely from Apple products.
More genius advertising.
Parodies of the Beijing 2008 Olympics logo.
Algae oil
These guys are a little dreamy. I think I'm in love with a few of them.
3 roommates draw things on dry erase boards.
What will life be like in 2008? From 1968.
Traveling coast to coast without giving any money to the Man.
Ides of March
Some of these are pretty old. I've been slacking.

The first Cyborg in Britian - Hearing colors
For all the guys out there. Name that color.
This is just downright genius.
Grape expectations - Does the cost of wine make it taste better?
Have you seen this before? Or are you just experiencing Déjà vécu?
A man blogs his grandfathers letters to the day - 90 years later.
Lyrics as charts (there are some really funny ones)
Pshew... I was worried.
That's a lot of roses.
Prohibition era posters.
Serif shoes.
Packaging yourself as a designer takes on a whole new meaning.
I might read the bible if there were stories like this one.
8 Movie adaptions that should be stopped. Also titled 8 movie's Kate is looking forward to. Actually, not all 8, just 5 or 6.
Did I post this already? The evolution of car logos.
Harry Potter changed global stereotypes for book reading.
This is why I hate politics sometimes. Both sides are wrong in my eyes. Have I ever mentioned I hate manipulation.
Art made from books.
Betting on Hair Metal when Grunge is up and coming... and other record company blunders.

The first Cyborg in Britian - Hearing colors
For all the guys out there. Name that color.
This is just downright genius.
Grape expectations - Does the cost of wine make it taste better?
Have you seen this before? Or are you just experiencing Déjà vécu?
A man blogs his grandfathers letters to the day - 90 years later.
Lyrics as charts (there are some really funny ones)
Pshew... I was worried.
That's a lot of roses.
Prohibition era posters.
Serif shoes.
Packaging yourself as a designer takes on a whole new meaning.
I might read the bible if there were stories like this one.
8 Movie adaptions that should be stopped. Also titled 8 movie's Kate is looking forward to. Actually, not all 8, just 5 or 6.
Did I post this already? The evolution of car logos.
Harry Potter changed global stereotypes for book reading.
This is why I hate politics sometimes. Both sides are wrong in my eyes. Have I ever mentioned I hate manipulation.
Art made from books.
Betting on Hair Metal when Grunge is up and coming... and other record company blunders.
It's certainly Tuesday
Tuesday is my least favorite day of the week. Perhaps that's why I keep posting on it.
I've created a play list on Itunes called February and it just occurred to me that there is not one song that could be classified as "upbeat."
Here are some links for your Tuesday enjoyment.
41 children and their science experiments
Using flickr to create your personal, completely random, CD sleeve design
When good design and good information mix the results are amazing.
My favorite color just got darker
An eternal mistake, although I tend to think most decorative fonts a la Curlz and the like are mistakes.
Ill-adviced business names
Illegal photographs, we've all done it.
And the imaginary Oscar goes to
The day the billboards disappeared (it's a design article but could be interesting to non designers)
What message would you give your 15-year-old self? If only. The comments are great. And the Kate isn't me, sounds like she's made more mistakes than me.
Music of the world, literally
But how does it sound you ask? l
Glamor mug shots
One of my favorite websites and one of my favorite NPR personalities combined = Kate's a happy girl
How music and stereotypes don't match up
And from the list of things I doubt I'll ever need to know.
See also: Obsolete skills for the 21st century
I was extremely happy for Once to get the Oscar on Sunday. This made me happy too.
From Veer - I chuckled so I copied and pasted "Colourlovers has an exclusive interview with Blue Iris, recently crowned Pantone’s Color of the Year. While it’s nice to hear from the color that’s been described as “anchoring and meditative with a touch of magic”, the article is really just a puff piece. "
I'm dying to see this, Beautiful Losers.
Top 10 bad things, that are actually good for you.
I've created a play list on Itunes called February and it just occurred to me that there is not one song that could be classified as "upbeat."
Here are some links for your Tuesday enjoyment.
41 children and their science experiments
Using flickr to create your personal, completely random, CD sleeve design
When good design and good information mix the results are amazing.
My favorite color just got darker
An eternal mistake, although I tend to think most decorative fonts a la Curlz and the like are mistakes.
Ill-adviced business names
Illegal photographs, we've all done it.
And the imaginary Oscar goes to
The day the billboards disappeared (it's a design article but could be interesting to non designers)
What message would you give your 15-year-old self? If only. The comments are great. And the Kate isn't me, sounds like she's made more mistakes than me.
Music of the world, literally
But how does it sound you ask? l
Glamor mug shots
One of my favorite websites and one of my favorite NPR personalities combined = Kate's a happy girl
How music and stereotypes don't match up
And from the list of things I doubt I'll ever need to know.
See also: Obsolete skills for the 21st century
I was extremely happy for Once to get the Oscar on Sunday. This made me happy too.
From Veer - I chuckled so I copied and pasted "Colourlovers has an exclusive interview with Blue Iris, recently crowned Pantone’s Color of the Year. While it’s nice to hear from the color that’s been described as “anchoring and meditative with a touch of magic”, the article is really just a puff piece. "
I'm dying to see this, Beautiful Losers.
Top 10 bad things, that are actually good for you.
Lots of logos
I'll begin with the logos...
The evolution of Tech Companies' Logos
Every superbowl logo, beginning in 1966
And just in time for 2009, next years super bowl logo . I'm glad there are no drop shadows.
More sports logos
Google logo prototypes
25 best band logos. They don't have the first one that popped into my head - Weezer, but they include some strange ones.
And non logo stuff - but some are still designy
They're definitely onto something here
The strike is over, so when do our shows come back?
This is my idea of good/bad matchmaking
30 pretty darn good photographs
5 lies your mom told
And I knew there had to be an explanation to why douche bags are douche bags
Explaining graphic design to 10 year olds in Britain, because I'm sure if you asked the average 10 year old in America what a Union Jack is they wouldn't have an answer.
This is what I'd be doing if I lived in NYC
It's amazing how modern this vintage design looks, or perhaps it's that modern design looks vintage.
The smell of space
Another reason to love the PacNW
Blueprint will still live on in my heart and on my computer screen
I think I need this
Sweet, kind of
Why graphic design is the worst brand ever.
A website that could keep me busy all day
Although Valentines is over, "Oh Heart, It is confusing that you have wandered off"
Human impact on oceans worldwide
Top cities for creatives
This is frustrating. A broken link collection (it's intentional if you were wondering)
Circular communities from above
Graphic design is...
The sound of color
Party like it’s MCMXCIX
Quick, Say something nice
Those silly kids these days and an eye chart for them
The negative calendar
The evolution of Tech Companies' Logos
Every superbowl logo, beginning in 1966
And just in time for 2009, next years super bowl logo . I'm glad there are no drop shadows.
More sports logos
Google logo prototypes
25 best band logos. They don't have the first one that popped into my head - Weezer, but they include some strange ones.
And non logo stuff - but some are still designy
They're definitely onto something here
The strike is over, so when do our shows come back?
This is my idea of good/bad matchmaking
30 pretty darn good photographs
5 lies your mom told
And I knew there had to be an explanation to why douche bags are douche bags
Explaining graphic design to 10 year olds in Britain, because I'm sure if you asked the average 10 year old in America what a Union Jack is they wouldn't have an answer.
This is what I'd be doing if I lived in NYC
It's amazing how modern this vintage design looks, or perhaps it's that modern design looks vintage.
The smell of space
Another reason to love the PacNW
Blueprint will still live on in my heart and on my computer screen
I think I need this
Sweet, kind of
Why graphic design is the worst brand ever.
A website that could keep me busy all day
Although Valentines is over, "Oh Heart, It is confusing that you have wandered off"
Human impact on oceans worldwide
Top cities for creatives
This is frustrating. A broken link collection (it's intentional if you were wondering)
Circular communities from above
Graphic design is...
The sound of color
Party like it’s MCMXCIX
Quick, Say something nice
Those silly kids these days and an eye chart for them
The negative calendar
Looney Toons as skeletons. Seems like I'd seen this before, but it appears to be new. Awesome just the same.
Here's a follow up article from the Obama poster of last week.
I suppose Apple is not perfect 100% of the time
More from WIRED
And here is more (some of the same) photographs by Taryn Simon
Is Obama a Mac and Clinton a PC?
The rarest items in the world
Everyone knows how much I love silhouettes, so this was no exception.
An interview payment calculator (personally I didn't know people charged for such a thing)
I love smart branding.
And rings.. I love rings too, especially when they're witty.
Seriously LOL
Jasper Johns and his use of Gray. He's probably one of my favorite artists. Some of the images in the slideshow take my breath away.
17 feet of shark
Dear future Kate, You better not live in Kentucky. And other things I can now tell my future self.
14 years of Annie Leiobovitz Vanity Fair covers
Here's a follow up article from the Obama poster of last week.
I suppose Apple is not perfect 100% of the time
More from WIRED
And here is more (some of the same) photographs by Taryn Simon
Is Obama a Mac and Clinton a PC?
The rarest items in the world
Everyone knows how much I love silhouettes, so this was no exception.
An interview payment calculator (personally I didn't know people charged for such a thing)
I love smart branding.
And rings.. I love rings too, especially when they're witty.
Seriously LOL
Jasper Johns and his use of Gray. He's probably one of my favorite artists. Some of the images in the slideshow take my breath away.
17 feet of shark
Dear future Kate, You better not live in Kentucky. And other things I can now tell my future self.
14 years of Annie Leiobovitz Vanity Fair covers
Almost February already
This will make you feel bad about yourself.
I've always been a fan of guerrilla art.
I've been waiting for this movie since I heard the first announcement. I've been keeping tabs since. Here is the latest I've seen.
I found this a long time ago but reread a few days ago... Paul Rand's portfolio
Animal Letters
Can pictures on a camera lead you to the owner?
Personally I like them
And here I was all this time complaining...
This actually made me giggle, out loud, at work.
The typography of a presidential candidate.
My sister and I joke that only republicans hire good designers, but these change my mind... except for the fact that he wasn't hired.
This definitely trumps the annual report I did.
Mellissa Gates admits her love affair with a Mac.
More end of lists. This one I felt was more accurate.
I've always been a fan of guerrilla art.
I've been waiting for this movie since I heard the first announcement. I've been keeping tabs since. Here is the latest I've seen.
I found this a long time ago but reread a few days ago... Paul Rand's portfolio
Animal Letters
Can pictures on a camera lead you to the owner?
Personally I like them
And here I was all this time complaining...
This actually made me giggle, out loud, at work.
The typography of a presidential candidate.
My sister and I joke that only republicans hire good designers, but these change my mind... except for the fact that he wasn't hired.
This definitely trumps the annual report I did.
Mellissa Gates admits her love affair with a Mac.
More end of lists. This one I felt was more accurate.
January - getting this going again
an open letter to adobe... I feel your pain man
A poster of posters cut out from 90 portfolio images of designers displaying their posters.
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
If I could afford a Mac Air I'd buy this too
an annual report of everything, i ordered a printed version
I've never bought one of these posters but I've been tempted. I love the idea of affordable art for the masses though
2007 logo trends
don't think I'm not going to put these to good use
Bored at work? This fills time and goes to a good cause
Don't tell my mom that I laughed (8. Making sure the Hummer's fridge is outfitted with plenty of organically grown veggies.)
Paul Rand as a mentor
Redesign the White House
the making of a logo
Bembos Zoo
The design website to end all design websites
Visual headlines - todays headlines in photos
Celebrity money
White whine... not that kind.
80mb for only $12,000 and other fun computer ads from the past
Cartoons for animal activists
Dirty computer screen? (from my bro)
A poster of posters cut out from 90 portfolio images of designers displaying their posters.
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
If I could afford a Mac Air I'd buy this too
an annual report of everything, i ordered a printed version
I've never bought one of these posters but I've been tempted. I love the idea of affordable art for the masses though
2007 logo trends
don't think I'm not going to put these to good use
Bored at work? This fills time and goes to a good cause
Don't tell my mom that I laughed (8. Making sure the Hummer's fridge is outfitted with plenty of organically grown veggies.)
Paul Rand as a mentor
Redesign the White House
the making of a logo
Bembos Zoo
The design website to end all design websites
Visual headlines - todays headlines in photos
Celebrity money
White whine... not that kind.
80mb for only $12,000 and other fun computer ads from the past
Cartoons for animal activists
Dirty computer screen? (from my bro)
albums of the year 07
I'm a big list maker. I make lists about nearly everything I do. I think I got it from my mom. Evidently so did my nephew who has started to pick up a piece of paper and doodling on it in his hands, in the same nature of my mom picking up her paper and making her morning list.
I've began to think about my favorite list of the year... the best music of the year. In no particular order, yet. It will be much more scientific when I post my official list. For this time being, here's a preview....

And evidently I liked black and tan album covers this year.
I've began to think about my favorite list of the year... the best music of the year. In no particular order, yet. It will be much more scientific when I post my official list. For this time being, here's a preview....
And evidently I liked black and tan album covers this year.
The first week of October
Best opening lyrics, debatable.
Todd and Amy Two crazy kids
Helvetica movie review
When you use illustrator too much this happens
I don't think this is what Dove had in mind.
How to bake cookies in your car
You have some coffee on your shirt
Props to Henry
Dell dude now
What I would have done last weekend if I lived in Seattle.
Whatever Cooper Hewett says
The man who exposed the tainted toothpaste
What the world eats
What will you pay?
So you wanna....
My mom always sees faces
Great geeks
Where are they now
Watch out
Google 411
The other Paltrow, who looks strangely like Chris Martin
Getting even
Every 12 year old girl's dream realized
Todd and Amy Two crazy kids
Helvetica movie review
When you use illustrator too much this happens
I don't think this is what Dove had in mind.
How to bake cookies in your car
You have some coffee on your shirt
Props to Henry
Dell dude now
What I would have done last weekend if I lived in Seattle.
Whatever Cooper Hewett says
The man who exposed the tainted toothpaste
What the world eats
What will you pay?
So you wanna....
My mom always sees faces
Great geeks
Where are they now
Watch out
Google 411
The other Paltrow, who looks strangely like Chris Martin
Getting even
Every 12 year old girl's dream realized
Songs I listened to on 09/27
It was last week... but I took note of all songs I listened to that day.
So I drive to work, go through the day with my ear phones on, only removing them when I get up from my desk or my phone rings. I wrote down all the songs I listened to today as they came up on shuffle. I do hit next a lot so these are the ones I actually listened to.
NPR All Things Considered
Graduation Day - Math and Physics Club
The Lass, The Bitch, and the Butcher - Skybox
Little Brother - Grizzly Bear
Friday Night at the Bingo - Jens Lekman
Concerning the UFO sightings near Highland, Illinois - Sufjan Stevens
Mrs. Stacey Watson, Stepney Green - Woodpigeon
Quiet Nights - Stan Getz
Summer Long - Papercuts
Mixtape=Love - Viva Voce
Several Arrows Later - Matt Pond PA
Man Under the Sea - Patrick Watson
The Start of Something - Voxtrot
The Flame - The Theatre Fire
Make it Up - Ben Kweller
Outnumbered - The Rosebuds
The Friendly Beasts - Sufjan Stevens
Souvenirs - Architecture in Helsinki
Float On - Modest Mouse
Measure 2 - Matt Pond PA
St Apollonia - Beirut
Sea Lion Woman - Feist
Une Annee Sans Lumiere - Arcade Fire
Cold War Kids - Pregnant
Kill - Sufjan Stevens
Golden Touch - Razorlight
From Macaulay Station - The Lucksmiths
Andvari - Sigur Ros
Boyscout'n - Menomena
Easy - Voxtrot
Don't Lose the Faith - The Dears
Roots on Sidewalks - Inlets
Portions for Foxes - Rilo Kiley
This Mess we're In - PJ Harvey
End Scene Fade - Sparrow House
Take the 227th exit - Papercuts
Songbook/The Sound of Us Playing Together - Woodpigeon
DanceFloor - The Brunettes
The Party's Crashing Me - Of Montreal
1/2 of Galaxy Queen - Golden Bear
Sibylline Machine - The Channels
Armchairs - Andrew Bird
The Naming of Things - Andrew Bird
We Don't Try - Chris Garneau
Golden Brown - The Stranglers
Heavy Metal Drummer - WIlco
Original Spies - Karate
No Surprises - Christopher O'Riley
The Seedling (Bonnie P Billy cover) - Benoit Pioulard (twice)
Finished the last 10 minutes of a Radiolab I started last night - Musical
NPR Morning Edition
So I drive to work, go through the day with my ear phones on, only removing them when I get up from my desk or my phone rings. I wrote down all the songs I listened to today as they came up on shuffle. I do hit next a lot so these are the ones I actually listened to.
NPR All Things Considered
Graduation Day - Math and Physics Club
The Lass, The Bitch, and the Butcher - Skybox
Little Brother - Grizzly Bear
Friday Night at the Bingo - Jens Lekman
Concerning the UFO sightings near Highland, Illinois - Sufjan Stevens
Mrs. Stacey Watson, Stepney Green - Woodpigeon
Quiet Nights - Stan Getz
Summer Long - Papercuts
Mixtape=Love - Viva Voce
Several Arrows Later - Matt Pond PA
Man Under the Sea - Patrick Watson
The Start of Something - Voxtrot
The Flame - The Theatre Fire
Make it Up - Ben Kweller
Outnumbered - The Rosebuds
The Friendly Beasts - Sufjan Stevens
Souvenirs - Architecture in Helsinki
Float On - Modest Mouse
Measure 2 - Matt Pond PA
St Apollonia - Beirut
Sea Lion Woman - Feist
Une Annee Sans Lumiere - Arcade Fire
Cold War Kids - Pregnant
Kill - Sufjan Stevens
Golden Touch - Razorlight
From Macaulay Station - The Lucksmiths
Andvari - Sigur Ros
Boyscout'n - Menomena
Easy - Voxtrot
Don't Lose the Faith - The Dears
Roots on Sidewalks - Inlets
Portions for Foxes - Rilo Kiley
This Mess we're In - PJ Harvey
End Scene Fade - Sparrow House
Take the 227th exit - Papercuts
Songbook/The Sound of Us Playing Together - Woodpigeon
DanceFloor - The Brunettes
The Party's Crashing Me - Of Montreal
1/2 of Galaxy Queen - Golden Bear
Sibylline Machine - The Channels
Armchairs - Andrew Bird
The Naming of Things - Andrew Bird
We Don't Try - Chris Garneau
Golden Brown - The Stranglers
Heavy Metal Drummer - WIlco
Original Spies - Karate
No Surprises - Christopher O'Riley
The Seedling (Bonnie P Billy cover) - Benoit Pioulard (twice)
Finished the last 10 minutes of a Radiolab I started last night - Musical
NPR Morning Edition
A week of links... 09/28
Why a person doesn't evolve in one lifetime
Who are you planning on voting for... and who do your politics match you with?
This is what I'm doing this weekend. And Seattle continues to follow me.
Related: Seattle I love you....
ANTM weekly recap. Priceless.
Because sometimes we all need some....
He's no Michel Gondry... but he'll do.
Booya to the guys... or not.
Evidently if you follow every rule in the Bible you end up looking like the unabomber
Why your credit card numbers are what your credit card numbers are
A bad comic
Evidently if you're a designer you're your own boss. I haven't figured out how to do that yet. Mostly because I don't want to be my own boss, I usually have no problem letting myself down.
An amazing opinion article, not about what we're doing to hurt the environment, because we all know that. But why we shouldn't be doing what we're doing.
Can't seem to win. Bad for the boobs, good for the heart.
A week in animal pictures. If 5 isn't the sweetest thing you've ever seen you have no soul.
More animal pictures, monkey pose for portraits.
Thanks to my brother I have been gagging over this for the past day.
Famous couples... as pears
I need one immediately
Ironic tshirts seen at SXSW
A life-sized whale, on your computer screen. (make sure to hit close)
A 15 inch waist only looks good on a 9 year old. But especially not a 80 year old.
nerdy designer links
someday I want my house to look like this
logos logos logos! I like reading the comments because they're full of good design lingo that make me feel like a better designer
Layer Tennis, Because regular tennis sucks.
How witty
I need this too... Xmas anyone?
Guess the histogram
Why old books are better than new ones.
15 excellent examples of web typography, It's really a great blog in general. He even has a post titled "Who shot the serif" COME ON! How great is that...
Possible Madrid Olympic logos
So sorry folks... This might be the end of my 32 random link emails a day. Especially to my sister.
Blogger fonts suck!
Who are you planning on voting for... and who do your politics match you with?
This is what I'm doing this weekend. And Seattle continues to follow me.
Related: Seattle I love you....
ANTM weekly recap. Priceless.
Because sometimes we all need some....
He's no Michel Gondry... but he'll do.
Booya to the guys... or not.
Evidently if you follow every rule in the Bible you end up looking like the unabomber
Why your credit card numbers are what your credit card numbers are
A bad comic
Evidently if you're a designer you're your own boss. I haven't figured out how to do that yet. Mostly because I don't want to be my own boss, I usually have no problem letting myself down.
An amazing opinion article, not about what we're doing to hurt the environment, because we all know that. But why we shouldn't be doing what we're doing.
Can't seem to win. Bad for the boobs, good for the heart.
A week in animal pictures. If 5 isn't the sweetest thing you've ever seen you have no soul.
More animal pictures, monkey pose for portraits.
Thanks to my brother I have been gagging over this for the past day.
Famous couples... as pears
I need one immediately
Ironic tshirts seen at SXSW
A life-sized whale, on your computer screen. (make sure to hit close)
A 15 inch waist only looks good on a 9 year old. But especially not a 80 year old.
nerdy designer links
someday I want my house to look like this
logos logos logos! I like reading the comments because they're full of good design lingo that make me feel like a better designer
Layer Tennis, Because regular tennis sucks.
How witty
I need this too... Xmas anyone?
Guess the histogram
Why old books are better than new ones.
15 excellent examples of web typography, It's really a great blog in general. He even has a post titled "Who shot the serif" COME ON! How great is that...
Possible Madrid Olympic logos
So sorry folks... This might be the end of my 32 random link emails a day. Especially to my sister.
Blogger fonts suck!
It's no question that I'm online a lot. I visit a lot of links and people send me a lot of links. So in my infinate genius I thought perhaps I'd put them all in one place. Voila... here we are. A blog of links.
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