The first Cyborg in Britian - Hearing colors
For all the guys out there. Name that color.
This is just downright genius.
Grape expectations - Does the cost of wine make it taste better?
Have you seen this before? Or are you just experiencing Déjà vécu?
A man blogs his grandfathers letters to the day - 90 years later.
Lyrics as charts (there are some really funny ones)
Pshew... I was worried.
That's a lot of roses.
Prohibition era posters.
Serif shoes.
Packaging yourself as a designer takes on a whole new meaning.
I might read the bible if there were stories like this one.
8 Movie adaptions that should be stopped. Also titled 8 movie's Kate is looking forward to. Actually, not all 8, just 5 or 6.
Did I post this already? The evolution of car logos.
Harry Potter changed global stereotypes for book reading.
This is why I hate politics sometimes. Both sides are wrong in my eyes. Have I ever mentioned I hate manipulation.
Art made from books.
Betting on Hair Metal when Grunge is up and coming... and other record company blunders.