
Lots of logos

I'll begin with the logos...
The evolution of Tech Companies' Logos

Every superbowl logo, beginning in 1966

And just in time for 2009, next years super bowl logo . I'm glad there are no drop shadows.

More sports logos

Google logo prototypes

25 best band logos. They don't have the first one that popped into my head - Weezer, but they include some strange ones.

And non logo stuff - but some are still designy

They're definitely onto something here

The strike is over, so when do our shows come back?

This is my idea of good/bad matchmaking

30 pretty darn good photographs

5 lies your mom told

And I knew there had to be an explanation to why douche bags are douche bags

Explaining graphic design to 10 year olds in Britain, because I'm sure if you asked the average 10 year old in America what a Union Jack is they wouldn't have an answer.

This is what I'd be doing if I lived in NYC

It's amazing how modern this vintage design looks, or perhaps it's that modern design looks vintage.

The smell of space

Another reason to love the PacNW

Blueprint will still live on in my heart and on my computer screen


I think I need this

Sweet, kind of

Why graphic design is the worst brand ever.

A website that could keep me busy all day

Although Valentines is over, "Oh Heart, It is confusing that you have wandered off"

Human impact on oceans worldwide

Top cities for creatives

This is frustrating. A broken link collection (it's intentional if you were wondering)

Circular communities from above

Graphic design is...

The sound of color

Party like it’s MCMXCIX

Quick, Say something nice

Those silly kids these days and an eye chart for them

The negative calendar

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